Thursday, June 22, 2017

Wolf Administration Promotes Designated Driving, Highlights Awareness Events, Ahead of Independence Day Holiday

Wolf Administration Promotes Designated Driving, Highlights Awareness
Events, Ahead of Independence Day Holiday


The Wolf Administration, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
(PennDOT), the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), and local police urge
across the state to designate a sober driver and buckle their seat belts
through the Independence Day holiday weekend. Partnerships throughout the
look to decrease alcohol and drug-related crashes and fatalities, as well
aggressive driving behavior.

"PennDOT is working closely with our partners in law enforcement to reduce
impaired driving and raise safety awareness this holiday," Secretary Leslie
Richards said. "Though Independence Day is a time for celebration, we urge
Pennsylvanians to designate a sober driver and wear their seat belt
the coming weekend, and throughout the year.

According to PennDOT data, last year there were 293 alcohol-related crashes

resulting in eight fatalities from Friday, July 1, to Sunday, July 10. This

marked a decrease from 2015, when there were 330 alcohol-related crashes
and 11
fatalities from Friday, June 26, through Sunday, July 5, 2015. Also, during
holiday period last year, there were 101 drug-related crashes and four
fatalities in those crashes, compared to 99 drug-related crashes and four
fatalities in 2015.

Police this year will focus their enforcement efforts on distracted
aggressive driving, speeding, and impaired driving during the holiday
PennDOT representatives will also hold media and community outreach events
across the state.

"We urge motorists to buckle up and use caution when traveling over the
holiday," said State Police Commissioner Tyree C. Blocker. "Troopers will
actively enforce traffic and DUI laws, so please obey the speed limit and
get behind the wheel impaired. To ensure motorists get to their
safely, remember to keep distractions to a minimum while driving."

As part of this high-visibility impaired-driving enforcement effort, the
Pennsylvania State Police and local law enforcement will conduct
and roving patrols. This effort is funded through PennDOT's statewide
distribution of more than $4.7 million from the National Highway Traffic

The public can join the conversation on social media by using #drivesober
#NoDUIJuly. Visit for more information on impaired
driving and PennDOT's other traffic-safety initiatives.

For more information on the Pennsylvania State Police, visit

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