Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ReadyMontco - Lansdale Alert Snow Alert February 13 at 7am

This is a message from ReadyMontco

The Borough will declare a Snow Alert effective at 7:00 am on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 until further notice. We will continue to monitor forecasts throughout the storm and crews will be out to plow/salt when appropriate.

For citizens, a snow alert means that all vehicles parked on those streets where signage indicates no parking during a snow alert are required, by law, to be moved elsewhere in order to allow snow plowing of the road surface. Snow alert signage dictates which side of the street residents may not park on when an alert is declared. Residents may park in their driveways (if available), alternate side of their street or another street not marked "No Parking." It is not the policy of the Borough to direct any resident or citizen where to park (i.e. we do not require residents to park in alleys when a snow alert is declared), we can only instruct where parking is not permitted. These parking restrictions are put into place for the purpose of public safety as well as the efficiency of snow clearing on Borough streets; vehicles in violation are subject to ticketing ($50) and/or towing by the Lansdale Borough Police Department. If you see a vehicle parked on a Snow Alert Route, please contact Lansdale Police at 215-368-1801.

For any other weather related emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

We would also like to remind residents and business owners that it is illegal to deposit snow removed from sidewalks or private property onto any Borough street. Ordinance 1172 - Section 302.3.3 prohibits the throwing or blowing of snow into the streets from sidewalk or properties. Violators are subject to fines. To assist emergency personnel, specifically firefighters, please be sure to clear a three (3) foot clearance around all fire hydrants on your property.

The Borough is planning for the snow event with crews out preparing known trouble spots and will remain on call until after the Snow Alert is lifted. Throughout the storm, crews will be clearing snow on all Borough roads which can take up to eight hours for one complete route.

Should this storm feature ice which can collect on trees and wires along with windy conditions, Lansdale Electric asks that if you see any downed wires, please stay away and contact them immediately at 215-361-8371 with the location. Under no circumstance should residents attempt to lift, move or adjust electric wires.

The alert will stay in effect until further notice and will be posted on the website and social media channels when the Snow Alert is lifted and residents can resume normal parking.

The Borough also asks citizens to be neighborly and check on elderly or vulnerable neighbors who may need assistance. Also be sure to keep house numbers visible so that emergency responders can find you in case of emergency. Working together to overcome the obstacles and adversity created by weather situations such as these creates a greater sense of community and kindness. We'll get through this together, just as we always do.

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