Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Montgomery County Office of Public Health - PADEP Issues Air Quality Action Day

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The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has issued an Air Quality Action Day for fine particulate matter for Wednesday June 7th, 2023. This alert covers several areas of Pennsylvania including Montgomery County. Current air quality levels in the region are considered unhealthy (151-200) to very unhealthy (201-300).

When air quality is unhealthy, all people should reduce prolonged outdoor physical exertion. If you need to be outside, take frequent breaks. Young children, older adults, and people with respiratory and cardiovascular conditions that increase their risk should avoid being outdoors for prolonged periods of time when air quality is unhealthy (151-200). When air quality is very unhealthy, everyone should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. At very unhealthy air quality levels, children, older adults, and other people with higher risk should avoid all outdoor physical activity.


For more information, including the full press release from DEP please visit:  


To see the air quality in your specific area and for further recommendations for staying safe during an Air Quality Action Day please visit: Stay informed by signing up for ReadyMontco alerts at:

Click here for more information on this alert.

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