Wednesday, August 31, 2016

NWS Briefing Package #1 AUG 31 2016 5PM

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This is a message from ReadyChesco.

Emergency Management Partners and Stakeholders:

Hurricane Gaston and Tropical Depression Eight are churning in the Atlantic Basin and are expected to maintain a moderate to high risk for rip current formation into Friday along the coast, but no impacts are expected to Chester County from these two systems

A third system, Tropical Storm Hermine, may move north and effect the mid-Atlantic region this weekend. An inland path would mean rain while an offshore path could result in stronger winds, storm surge and a yet another round of enhanced rip current risks. In either case, chances for a nice, sunny Labor Day weekend are becoming less with each model run.

Chester County Forecasted Impacts:
• Heavy rain: Moderate Confidence.
o There is a risk for heavy rain over much of the mid-Atlantic area. However, specific rainfall amounts are highly dependent on the eventual track of the storm. Recent dry weather will lessen the severity of any stream and river flooding that may develop. Street flooding and flash flooding is a greater threat.
• Strong Winds: Low Confidence.
o There is a chance for tropical storm force winds (39 MPH to 73 MPH) this Labor Day weekend as TS Hermine, or its remnants, move north. The strongest winds should occur Saturday and Sunday, An inland path would result in lower winds.
• Timing
o Strong winds and heavy rain is most likely Saturday and Sunday, with showers possibly lingering into Monday

Active Watches & Warnings:
• Chester County is not currently under any active Watches or Warnings

DES Actions:
• We will continue to monitor this event and provide additional information as it becomes available.
• The Watch Officer is available through the 9-1-1 Operations Center by calling 610-344-5100.
• At this time the EOC is not expected to be activated for this event.

The next briefing package is expected to be issued no later than 5PM Thursday September 1, 2016. We will distribute the package as soon as we have had an opportunity to analyze the impacts for Chester County and DES actions.

Thank you,

Chester County Watch Officer
F: 610-344-4111

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